Autumn Updates
When I take a manuscript as far as I can myself, after many revisions and when I’m glazing over, I send it to Julia Houston, a talented editor based in New Orleans. In May The Pawns obviously wasn’t final, but was ready for outside eyes, and she’d rescued me a few times before.
With the work in her skillful hands, a week later I attended StokerCon, the annual conference of the Horror Writers Association, and pitched two top agents. They requested my manuscript—something positive—though landing one of them is a long shot.
Then in June a new publisher, Nightfire, cracked open a submissions window and I knocked. I’m still waiting to hear, and in the meantime will keep my own process moving along.
Julia’s edit landed in early July with her seasoned touch and transformative coaching. It took me until mid-September to address her biggest concerns: tightening all dialog, making the protagonist more likable, saving a key cast member from a horrible death, and slowing down the pace where I was rushing. I’m very happy with the result, and will let it stew before another pass.
At the end of September I sent The Pawns to three big editorial reviewers. For a new author, they’re my best hope to market my work, if they like it. I expect to hear final verdicts by Thanksgiving.
If I go the Indie route, I’ll hit up my contacts who want an Advance Review Copy, and also solicit reviews on NetGalley. Stay tuned for a cover reveal and message me if you’d like an ARC. Thanks and enjoy autumn!
The meadow behind the fictional Malloy house that factors into The Pawns.